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Getting into the coffee business
So, you’re getting into the coffee business. Fantastic! White Coffee has been in the industry since 1939 and we are happy to share our experience and expertise with you. You love coffee like the majority of the population, but you definitely have some extra love since you’re taking on the challenge of starting your own coffee brand. We also bet you’ve already had your morning cup, so you’re ready to get going! But before you take off into the world of coffee brands, pour yourself another cup and take some time to think about and answer these questions:

What coffee products do you want to sell?

Who is your target audience?

How will your coffee brand be unique?

What will be the price of your product?

How will you maintain a customer base and customer loyalty?

Now that your second cup has kicked in and these questions only motivate you more on your quest to create your very own coffee brand, let’s spend some time sipping on each one.
