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BizTalk Migrator - DMS Group knows that loss of data and other risks while migrating from Windows Server to Microsoft BizTalk Azure. With the following guide, administrators will be able to make the most of Microsoft Azure Tools to pursue the migration with efficiency and minimal risks discovering your Current Infrastructure as the first thing administrators need to do is to make a list of the servers that they have running on Windows Server. Make sure that you also note down whether these servers are running the 64-bit or the versions. Making a Detailed Assessment now that you are well aware of the servers you have running, it is important to ask yourself the following questions - What is the current job of this BizTalk Azure? Is this job critical to your business or can you afford to retire the server? Is the server in question running a software or application that can be upgraded to run on a more advanced version of Windows or in the form of an application? Your Microsoft Azure Partner will be able to provide you with a host of tools that help you make these assessments.

FOR MORE INFO - https://www.dmsgroup.ca/2020/1....0/30/migrate-biztalk
