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The Power of the Official Language for Android App Development

Java has long been the official language for Android app development, serving as the primary programming language endorsed by Google for creating applications on the Android platform. However, in recent years, Kotlin has emerged as a strong contender and has been officially embraced by Google as a first-class language for Android development. Known for its concise syntax, enhanced readability, and seamless interoperability with existing Java code, Kotlin has become a preferred choice among developers. While Java remains a stalwart in the Android ecosystem, Kotlin's modern features and developer-friendly characteristics have positioned it as an increasingly popular alternative, empowering developers to create robust and efficient Android applications. The choice between Java and Kotlin often depends on factors such as developer preference, project requirements, and the desire for modern language features in Android app development.


Top Languages Used To Develop Android App in 2023

Kotlin , Java ,C, C++, Python, Swift ,React ,Angular and Objective C are most popular app development languages that ranked among the India and globe top 9 most successful and useful languages in 2023.