Sigh huh, literally NOTHING is about dust & ash corpse ME, I'm NObody & NOTHING special, misc I'm just 1 past since 'touched' by-via 3 in 1 - 1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM 2 do a-my given daily job-Order's = Holy advocacy intel-info output; & it's just SICK that even un2 2 date, U USA-global fellow ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity literally CAN'T B reasoned with (however similarly 2 THAT of non human terminators via-ie: late Kyle Reese), that just literally NOTHING truly registers 2 U internally within, 2 B so literally exhibited drone like, feeble minded, naive, delusional (ie: SELF gripped on2 inside U like a FALSE sense of security blanket)?! UGH, LOSER'S! SIGH SO B IT THEN, Have it YO way then, worse is Coming!