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Environmental conditions for the growth of mushrooms
1. Nutrition
In addition to sufficient carbon source, mushrooms need more fast-acting nitrogen nutrition than Agaricus bisporus.

2. Temperature
The temperature range of mycelium growth is 20-38℃, and the optimum temperature is 26-32℃. The temperature range for the growth and development of mycelium is from 24 to 38C, and the optimum temperature is about 26 to 31C. The temperature of mycelium growth and substratum growth and development is almost the same, and mycelium from nutritional growth to substratum reproduction stage, do not need the cooling temperature stimulation, which is different from the characteristics of Agaricus bisporus.

3. Moisture
Because of the high growth temperature, fast growth rate and high mushroom production, the water requirement is more than the general species. The moisture content of compost during the period of mushroom development is about 65%. The water content of the mulch layer (sandy loam of vegetable garden) is about 22% during the period of mushroom emergence. The relative humidity of air is about 90% during the growth period.

4. Air
Due to the high temperature, respiration and humidity of mushrooms, special attention must be paid to the ventilation of the culture environment in order to meet the oxygen required for growth and to prevent the production of miscellaneous bacteria.

5. pH
Mushrooms grow and develop under high temperature conditions, and their own metabolism produces more acidic substances, while in a high temperature and high humidity acidic environment, it is conducive to the growth of miscellaneous bacteria. Therefore, delicious mushrooms are suitable to grow in alkaline environment, and the pH of compost and mulch layer should be adjusted to about pH 7.5.

6. Light
Mushrooms do not need direct light during the whole stage of mycelium and zygote growth and development.
Therefore, many growers have chosen to install mushroom breeding environment monitoring systems to facilitate monitoring to improve the growing environment and increase yields.


Top 1 Mushroom Breeding Environment Monitoring System - Renke

Top 1 Mushroom Breeding Environment Monitoring System - Renke

We have gradually introduced greenhouse environment monitoring technology in the cultivation of edible mushrooms. More than 10 kinds of mushrooms are artificially grown.